And what about this issue of training that the consultants raised? Well, I think we'll have to consider a bigger programme, but to save costs, perhaps we should only send our more motivated staff on courses? That may work better. I'm not sure that we do need more. And I actually think it's the courses that need careful planning rather than focusing on who attends. If the programme is appropriately directed at particular topics, then it will be relevant to all the staff involved in that area. Suppose so. We've also got to look at how we can compensate people better when we're not in a position to raise our basic salaries. Yes, well, for the moment, we could perhaps increase staff loyalty by offering stock options as a carrot - say when people have been here for a year. If we go down the route of offering bonus payments, then it looks attractive initially, but I'm not sure it's effective in the long run, because it depends on reaching targets. You know, considering what those consultants charged, they haven't really come up with any useful solutions, have they? No, you're right. Look, let's go away and get this down on paper and then we can draw up a detailed proposal of what we think should be done in the next year. We'll give that to the MD and, if he agrees, he can take it to the Board next month. OK, I'll email you something, and we can meet next week. 那顾问们提出的培训问题呢?好吧,我认为我们必须制定一个更大的计划,但是为了节约成本,也许我们可以只派出那些较为积极的员工区参加课程?那样也许效果更佳。我不知道我们是不是真的需要更多培训。而且实际上我觉得是课程需要精心计划而不是去关心谁参与。如果计划恰当地用于个别话题,那么就能使之与该区所有员工相关。大概如此吧。我们也要考虑到怎么更好地补偿大家,既然我们在此不是为了提升自己的基本工资。是的,那么现在我们也许可以以提供股票期权做诱饵的方式来提员工的忠心程度,比如说针对到此已有一年的人员。如果我们依照计划提供补贴工资,那么在开始肯定看起来很诱人,但是我不确定这是不会长期有效,因为这取决于目标达到。你知道,那些顾问们还没有真正意义上提出任何有效解决方案就开始收费,是吧?是,你说的没错。瞧,我们去把这些写成计划案,然后对于我们觉得明年应该实施的方案可以起草一份详细提议。把提议上交总经理,如果他同意,他下个月就能在董事会提出。好,我会给你发邮件,我们下周再见面。