BBC News with Mike Cooper. There've been mixed results on the first day of an auction of the rights to exploit Iraq's ten largest untapped oil fields. There were successful foreign bids for two fields in the largely-peaceful south, but others in the more volatile north attracted little interest. … 伊拉克就十个最大的未开采油田的开发服务权进行竞标。竞标第一天的结果喜忧参半:两家国外公司赢得了位于相对和平的南部地区两块油田的开采权,而更为动荡的北部地区油田却无人问津。一下是NA来自巴格达的报道。 在巴格达进行的竞标,首日结果并没有像乐观的伊拉克政府所预期的那样:仅有两块油田竞标成功。一块油田由壳…