BBC News with Jonathan Izard. In his first media interview since he went into hospital in Saudi Arabia in November, President Umaru Yar'Adua of Nigeria has told the BBC that he is recovering. Mr Yar'Adua who's having treatment for a heart condition said he hoped he would soon make enough progres… 尼日利亚总统奥马鲁·亚拉杜瓦自去年11月去沙特阿拉伯就医后,首次接受媒体访问。亚拉杜瓦表示,他的身体正处于康复之中。正在因心脏问题接受治疗的亚拉杜瓦表示他希望身体能够进一步康复,以便早日回国。以下是WR来自阿布贾的报道。 在沙特接受电话采访时,亚拉杜瓦总统的声音还是十分虚弱。他在采访中表示希望自己能够…