The doctor treating the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi who was struck in the face at a rally in Milan on Sunday says he's unlikely to leave hospital before Wednesday. The 73-year-old Prime Minister suffered a fractured nose, broken teeth and deep facial cuts after a man hurled a small but … 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼在上周日米兰的政治集会上被袭击,他的医生表示他在周三之前不会出院。一名男子用一个小却沉的米兰教堂金属复制品扔向贝卢斯科尼的脸,这位七十三岁的总理鼻骨骨折,口腔流血,面部也被割伤。Alberto Zangrillo医生称目前贝卢斯科尼恢复得很好。 "总理没有任何严重的临床问题。但是因为他的鼻骨骨折…