The leaders of India and Pakistan have announced that a trade across the Line of Control, which divides the disputed region of Kashmir, will begin next month. After a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan and the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that two new trade routes will be opened in the region. China is preparing to launch its third manned space mission which is due to include the first-ever spacewalk by a Chinese astronaut. Weather permitting, the Shenzhou VII spacecraft and its crew will lift off within the next few hours. Our Beijing correspondent James Reynolds reports. At night, in China's remote Gansu province, the Shenzhou VII rocket will take off into space. On board, there will be three astronauts, each of them, a colonel in the People's Liberation Army. Once the rocket gets into space, the mission commander Zhai Zhigang is expected to perform China's first-ever spacewalk. Scientists here say that this is an important step on the way to China building its own space lab. Chinese state TV plans to broadcast the launch and the spacewalk live.