BBC News of Michael Poles. The head of the US Central Military Command General David Petraeus says he's appointed a brigadier general to conduct an investigation into the American use of air strikes in Afghanistan. He said US forces had to be very sensitive and ensure that their tactical action would not, as reported, undermining their strategic objectives. General Petraeus was responding to a call from the Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the halt to the strike. Petraeus Sarah Moritz’s report. After a week in which many civilians were killed during American air strike in west Afghanistan, President Karzai said that Afghan people were part of the struggle against terrorism and that they should be safe. Hundreds of students have been protesting in the Afghan capital Kabul against last week’s air strike. Local residents say nearly 150 were killed in the attack. General Petraeus said that the US was aware of the danger of losing support among civilians, Petraeus and he is naming a senior military figure to study the use of such tactics.