A Nigerian man has appeared before a United States' judge, charged with trying to blow up a passenger plane in its coming to land in Detroit on Friday. The judge read the charges to the suspect in a hospital where he is being treated. He burnt his leg while allegedly attempting to set off explo… 一名尼日利亚人因被指控试图在周五炸死机上一名乘客而被带到法官面前,当时飞机正准备在底特律降落。法官在治疗犯罪嫌疑人的医院里向其宣读了审判结果。据称,犯罪嫌疑人将炸弹安装在自己的身体上,并缝在内裤里,在尝试引爆炸弹时烧伤自己的腿。 Andy Gallacher从底特律报道。 据称,当Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab坐着轮…