Health Ministers from around the world have reached a broad agreement that swift action needs to be taken to stop hundreds of thousands of women dying during pregnancy and childbirth. The meeting was organised by the United Nations Population Fund in the Ethiopia capital Addis Ababa. From where Pasc… 世界各国的卫生部长已达成广泛共识,即各国应迅速采取行动遏制成千上万的女性在怀孕及分娩期间上死亡。联合国人口基金会在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴组织了此次会议。以下是PH来自当地的报道。 虽然在周一当晚会议结束时并未得出全体赞成的声明,但是看似卫生部长都认为计划生育是减少女性意外死亡数量的最为有效的途径。…