Now let's turn to English football. Manchester City will take a 2-1 lead into next Wednesday's League Cup semi-final second leg after a victory over their neighbouring rivals Manchester United on Tuesday. Striker Carlos Tevez came back to haunt his old club with both goals. The BBC's chief football … 现在让我们关注英格兰足球。曼城将带着2-1的领先进入下周三进行的联赛杯半决赛的第二回合比赛。他们在周二的比赛中战胜了同城对手曼联队。曼城射手卡洛斯特维斯以两粒进球回敬了老东家曼联。BBC首席足球记者迈克因格汉姆报道。 在这样一个不可思议的夜晚,头条新闻也早已注定。比赛最后曼城球迷不可避免地唱起了“弗吉(…