Britain says it and the United States will jointly fund a new counter-terrorism police unit in Yemen as part of plans to combat the threat from Islamist militants. President Obama has accused a group linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen of orchestrating a failed attack on a plane over the US. A top US g… 英国声称其与美国将共同在也门建立一个新的反恐警察部队以作为对抗伊斯兰武装分子的威胁的计划的一部分。总统奥巴马认为那场在美国上空失败的袭机事件,是由也门当地一个与基地组织联系的组织精心策划的。美国的一位高级将领David Petraeus说,他一直在与也门总统就将强合作进行会谈。Caroline Hawley带来更多的报道。 越…