A women described as the Godmother of the underworld in the Chinese city of Chongqing has been jailed for 18 years after a trial that has gripped the nation. Xie Caiping was said to have run gambling dens, protected drug users and bribed police. Chris Hogg reports from Shanghai. Chinese newspaper… 中国重庆市的黑社会女老大在全国人民的注视下被判18年监禁。 据称谢才萍经营赌场,庇护吸毒人员,贿赂警察。以下是CH来自上海的报道。 中国各大报纸详细报道了谢才萍的罪行。她曾在酒店、夜总会和茶馆开设非法赌场;为吸毒人员提供庇护;还曾非法拘禁他人。据说她还包养着16个情人。此外,她还贿赂警察以获得他们的保护,…