Two passenger trains have collided in Egypt. Witnesses say at least 15 people have been killed and more than 20 others have been injured. From Cairo, Yolande Knell sent this report. It’s understood that one train crashed into another which was stationary on the tracks, close to Al-Ayyat in Giza Governorate to the south of Cairo. Several carriages were badly damaged. Rescue workers are now at the scene trying to remove bodies and the injured from the wreckage. There have been several serious crashes on Egyptian railway lines in recent years. Last year, 44 people were killed in northern Egypt, and back in 2002, at least 360 people were killed in a fire on a crowded passenger train close to the location of the latest crash. 在埃及,两辆客运火车相撞。目击者称,至少15人死亡,20多人受伤。开罗,Yolande Knell发回报道。 据了解,在开罗南部的吉萨地区Al-Ayyat附近,一辆火车撞上另外一辆在轨道上停止的客车。几节车厢遭到严重损坏。目前,搜救人员正在事故现场,试图将死伤者从废墟中拯救出来。近几年,埃及铁路发生了几起严重的撞击事件。去年,埃及北部有44人遇难,2002年,在这次事故现场附近地点,一辆拥挤的客车上发生大火,造成至少360人死亡。