[00:01.400]Hi. You're listening to The English We Speak. I'm Rosie and today Li is with me. [00:07.400]Hello. [00:08.400]And today we're going to be talking about. Er, Li, what are we talking about again? [00:16.400]I don't know, you're the one presenting the programme. [00:19.400]I know, but my mind's just gone blank. [00:22.400]Your mind has gone what? [00:24.400]My mind's gone blank, which means it's completely empty, like a blank piece of paper. [00:28.890]Oh dear, completely empty? Right, let's start with something basic then. Do you remember what your name is? [00:40.400]Of course I remember what my name is. When you say your mind has gone blank, it means you've forgotten what you were going to say. [00:47.100]Oh, I see. So in this case you completely forgot what you were supposed to be talking about in this programme? [00:54.500]Exactly. Do you remember it happened to me when I had to give that presentation. [00:59.600]Right, now Rosie is going to talk a bit about the project and its aims. [01:03.300]Yes. Well, erm erm. Sorry, my mind's just gone completely blank. [01:13.300]Well, don't worry. It happens to the best of us. I was in an interview once and I couldn't think of an answer to a very simple question. [01:24.300]So Li, can you tell us a bit about yourself? [01:28.300]Ah, yes. There's so much to say, I don't know where to begin. Let's see. Sorry, my mind's just gone blank. [01:40.300]Right, I see. [01:46.300]Ha. And did you get the job? [01:49.300]Yes, I did. I was really surprised after my mind went blank like that in the interview. I suppose I was the best candidate. I do have a lot of experience and they must have really liked me as a person. [02:03.300]Ah, I've just remembered what we were supposed to be talking about today! We were going to discuss. [02:08.300]Sorry Rosie, but it's a bit too late now. Next time, perhaps? If your mind doesn't go blank, that is. [02:15.690]It won't. Thank you Li. [02:19.300]Join us again for another edition of The English We Speak and visit our website. That is the. Oh, what's the web address again? My mind has gone blank. [02:32.300]It's bbclearningenglish.com. Bye. Bye.