9.2 Conversation A:Have some champagne and Belgian chocolates. B:Well,thank you. And could you bring us a deck of cards? A:Certainly. C:Do you have anything to read? A:Yes...We have these magzines and newspapers. C:Cool!Vogue,GQ! and Elle! Thanks. D:What's the meal on this flight? A:Here's the menu.You have three choices. D:Wow!Filet Mignon!Peking Roast Duck!Lobster! A:All first class meals are gourmet.We'll service you in an hour, but you can order now. D:We'll have the filet and the duck.Thanks. A:Great.Just sit back and prepare for take-off. A:要来点香槟和比利时巧克力吗? B:呃,谢谢。你可以那一副纸牌给我们吗? A:当然。 C:你们有什么可以看的报刊杂志吗? A:有的……我们有这些杂志和报刊。 C:酷!《Vogue》,《GQ》和《 Elle》!谢谢。 D:飞机上提供什么餐点? A:这是菜单。您有三种选择。 D:哇!菲力牛排!北京烤鸭!龙虾! A:所有能头等舱的餐点都是美食。我们将在一小时内供餐,但是您可以现在点餐。 D:我们要菲力牛排和烤鸭。谢谢。 A:好的。请做好准备起飞。