8.2 Conversation A:Now,you are to board the plane. We're sorry that we haven't done much to help you when you stayed in China. . B:I appreciate what you have done for me.Everything I have seen here has left a deep impression on me . I really don't know how to express my thanks to you. A:We are ready to help you. B:Will you be kind to say "Thank you" to Mr.Zhang and other friends for me? A:I'd like to.I'm sure your visit will help to promote the friendship and understanding between both of us.Welcome to China again. B:Of course,I will.Well,it's time for me to say goodbye.The plane will take off soon. Hope some day you will come to America for a visit. A:Thank you.I will if I have chance.Goodbye and happy landing! B:Goodbye! A:现在你要登机了。很抱歉,你在中国的时候我们对你的帮助很不够。 B:十分感谢你对我的关照。在中国见到的一切给我留下了深刻的印象。我真不知道怎样感谢你们。 A:我们很乐意给你提供帮助。 B:请代我向张先生和其他的朋友们转达我的谢意号码? A:我一定转达。我坚信你的来访将促进我们双方的友谊和了解,欢迎你再访中国。 B:当然,我会的。好吧,是告别的时候了,飞机就要起飞了,希望你将来有机会来美国。 A:谢谢诶。如果有机会,我会去的。再见,一路平安! B:再见!