However, they should be fully aware that part-time jobs and vacation work have become more difficult to find nowadays. That means it's better for students to prepare enough fund beforehand for they can not always count on part-time jobs or vacation work. That's true. One more thing I have to clarify is the difference between the academic year and the calendar year. All the above costs are only within the scope of academic year. The summer vacation, however, requires special financial planning. University eating facilities, and some university and college housing facilities, close during this time. As a general rule, international students should expect to spend at least as much during the summer as they do during the academic year. That's a large figure. Thank you very much for your valuable information, Mr. Malcolm. Your' re welcome. 然而,他们应该完全意识到现如今兼职和暑期工已越来越难找到。 那就意味着预先准备充足的资金对学生有利,他们不能时常依靠兼职和暑期工。 当然。还有我必须声明的一点是学年和年度之间的区别。以上所有的话费只包含在学年的范围内。然而,在暑假需要特别的财政计划。在此期间大学伙食设施和一些清洁设施都会关闭。按此规则,在暑假期间,国际学生的花销预计至少等同于他们在学年的花费。 那是一个很大的数字。Malcom先生,非常感谢你有价值的信息。 不用谢。