Right. And the last one is The Environmental Impact of Travel and Tourism by M. Burns and Associates, 1989. Burns, M. The Environmental Impact... No, I'm sorry we don't have that. I'll have to use the interlibrary loan service and get it for you. Oh. How long is that likely to take? It really depends where we can get it. If it's available locally it shouldn't take more than a few days but if we have to send overseas for it, it could be rather a while. We'll do our best to hurry up. But I do need this one badly, especially the Introduction part. And you see, my article is due in a month... In that case, we may use the email service. This is a new service. We will photocopy the pages you want and send them to you by email. But you have to pay an extra charge of photocopying, half a dollar per page. That's no problem, as long as I can get them in time. Just email me the Introduction part. Good. Tell me your email address, please. That's WhllyHumpAus@yahoo.com. Capital W, H and A. I got it.