Under Secretary Hormats, who will head this newly formed function, said that it will be comprised of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Kerri-Ann Jones; the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, led by Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez; the Bureau of Energy Resources, led by Secretary Clinton's Coordinator for international energy, Carlos Pascual; and the Office of the Science and Technology Advisor, led by a distinguished scientist, Dr. Bill Colglazier. "Finally, we're going to establish the Office of the Chief Economist of the State Department," Under Secretary Hormats said. "We haven't selected the individual yet, but this will be a person who both understands economic and financial issues, and how they relate to our broader foreign policy." "This announcement is to implement Secretary Clinton's commitment to environmental sustainability, to energy security as fundamental elements in our overall foreign policy," Under Secretary Hormats concluded, "We understand that we're in a resource-constrained world and we think that this combination of cross-fertilization and mutually reinforcing elements is going to be a good way of utilizing our human resources and our financial resources more efficiently."