Violence continues to rock the impoverished Gulf state of Yemen. For the past ten months a popular uprising seeking to oust President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been underway in Yemen. Pro-Saleh forces regularly engage in deadly clashes with armed tribesmen and military defectors who support the protesters in Yemen's largest cities. In the south, al-Qaida-linked militants have occasionally taken control of entire towns. The many months of violence have forced more than 80,000 residents of Zinjibar to flee to neighboring provinces. According to the Yemen Observatory for Human Rights, about 400 people have been killed since the protests that began in February, although group spokesman al-Jalil Waddah said the number of those killed in the south and Arhab region could be much higher. He added that his organization has documented many cases of political prisoners alleging abuse at the hands of government security forces in Sana'a and the country's second largest city, Taiz. The United States is deeply troubled by reports of attacks against civilians in Yemen. The U.S. condemns violence by all parties and calls for all sides to exercise maximum restraint. 暴力继续震动也门这个穷困潦倒的海湾国家。过去的十个月,一项著名的驱逐总统萨利赫的起义正在也门进行。支持萨利赫的军队经常参加对武装的部落和支持在也门最大城市游行者的军事叛逃者的致命冲突。在南部,跟基地组织有关的军人经常占领整个镇子。长达数月的暴力已经迫使津吉巴尔8万多的居民逃到相邻的省份。根据也门人权的观测,自从游行在二月份开始,大概4百民众被杀害。尽管组织的发言者al-Jalil Waddah称在南部和Arhab地区,死亡的人数可能会更高。他的组织已经记录了多起政治犯的案件,这些政治犯宣称他们在Sana’a和也门第二大城市Taiz,被政府防卫军队虐待,Waddah补充道。美国深受袭击也门平民的报道困扰。美国谴责各党派的暴力行动,并呼吁各方面要实施最大的限制。