Since the restoration of civilian rule, Secretary Clinton and a number of top U.S. officials have traveled there for talks with Burmese leaders, who have undertaken a number of political reforms. These include easing restrictions on media and civil society, legalizing the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy, setting a date for by-elections this spring, passing new laws to protect the rights of assembly and workers, providing access for humanitarian groups to conflict areas, and establishing a national human rights commission. In addition, the government has made overtures to begin talks and address long-running tensions in ethnic minority areas. Burmese leaders recently signed a ceasefire agreement with the Karen National Union, the first ceasefire with the Karen in 63 years of conflict. The United States would like to see an immediate end to violence in all of Burma's ethnic minorities, as well as release of all remaining political prisoners. We will continue to support the people of Burma and their efforts, and to encourage the government to continue taking bold steps that build the kind of free and prosperous nation that their people desire to see. 平民恢复身份之后,秘书克林顿和许多美国顶级官员访问缅甸,与缅甸领导人举行会谈。这位领导人曾经进行过许多政治改革。这些改革包括免除对媒体和民间团体的限制、使主要的反对派——民主国家联盟合法化、在春天为递补选举设立了一天、通过了新法律保护集会和劳工权益、为矛盾地区提供人道组织帮助、并且建立了国家人权委员会。 并且,政府还提议与长期矛盾的少数民族地区进行谈判。缅甸领导人最近与克伦邦总工会签署了一份停火协议,这是与克伦邦在63年争斗中的第一份停火协议。 美国急望看到缅甸少数民族暴力活动的今早终结,同时也希望他们尽早释放在关押的政治犯。我们将继续支持缅甸和其人民的努力,鼓励政府继续向构建人民向往的繁荣自由的社会迈出坚实的脚步。