"Just a few years ago, creating an AIDS-free generation would have been unimaginable," said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently to a gathering of scientists, "That is why, until now, it has never been a policy priority for the United States Government." She said: "Today, thanks both to new knowledge and to new ways of applying it, we have the chance to give countless lives and futures to millions of people who are alive today, but equally, if not profoundly more importantly, to an entire generation yet to be born." "An AIDS-free generation," said Secretary Clinton, "is one where no children are born with the virus; and as they grow to adulthood, they have only a very low chance of becoming infected with HIV, thanks to a wide range of effective preventive measures; and that if they do contract HIV, they will have access to treatment and will never develop AIDS, or pass the virus to others." "HIV may be with us well into the future," said Secretary Clinton, "but the disease that it causes need not be." 在11月初召开的科学家大会上,国务卿希拉里•克林顿说:数年前,打造“无艾滋一代”依然是难以想象的。正因如此,直到现在,美国政府还没有将预防艾滋病设为优先的政策。 “当今,由于新知识和新型应用方法的出现,我们有机会治活更多的生命,拯救更多人的未来,同时,更重要的是,也将拯救整个下一代。” 国务卿克林顿说,“无艾滋一代”,指的是新出生的小孩身上无艾滋病毒;他们成人以后,因广泛且有效的预防措施,他们感染HIV病毒的机率也很低。如果他们一旦感染HIV病毒,将会得到治愈并不再得此病,也不会将病毒传染给他人。 国务卿克林顿说:“HIV病毒或许今后还会存在,但由HIV病毒产生的疾病将会消失。”