"The scourge of human trafficking and modern slavery reaches into every corner of the globe, but perhaps nowhere more so than in East Asia and the Pacific." U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Joseph Yun said in recent testimony before the U.S. Congress. The United States Government broadly defines trafficking in persons as all conduct involved in reducing a person to or maintaining a person in a state of compelled service for sex or labor. Recent estimates suggest that there are as many as 27 million men, women and children worldwide who are victimized by this crime. "Countries should strive to combat all forms of trafficking using the three 'P' approach: punishment, prevention and protection," Deputy Assistant Secretary Joe Yun said, "There are many examples of governments in the Asia-Pacific region taking steps to combat trafficking using this approach." Indonesia's Police Women and Children's Unit provided an example of successfully punishing traffickers. The unit was able to investigate and refer for prosecution dozens of cases, rescuing more than 100 trafficking-in-persons victims. “人口贩卖和现代奴隶制的灾害已经深入到全球的每个角落,但或许没有什么地方比中东和太平洋地区更严重。”美国东亚和太平洋事务副助理国务卿约瑟云在最近国会的听证会上说。 美国政府概括地把人口贩卖定义为使某人陷入或维持在被迫提供性或劳动力服务的状态中。最近的估计表明,世界范围内有27000000的男性,女性和儿童被这种犯罪所侵害。 “国家应该通过3”p”法争取与所有形式的非法交易作斗争:惩罚,预防和保护,”议院副大臣约瑟云说,“在亚太地区有许多政府采取措施用这种方法反对非法交易的例子。” 印度警方妇女和儿童总署提供了一个成功地惩罚非法贩子的例子,这个组织成功地调查和起诉了数十起案例,解救了超过100个人口贩卖受害者。