
歌曲 美孟两国关系紧密(2/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美音社论


"Bangladesh," he said, "has posted an economic growth rate of five to six percent each year for the past two decades, even during the worst years of the global recession." It has transformed from a country plagued by famine to one that is largely self-sufficient in food production, despite rapid population growth. It has made progress in women's empowerment and in reaching development goals. It is the largest troop contributor to United Nations peacekeeping forces, and its non-governmental organizations, including BRAC, have played major roles in civil society development. "Bangladesh," said Assistant Secretary Blake, "is a vibrant, open society, with a free and open media, which must continue to be strengthened and given space to develop." He said the U.S. urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure that media outlets and NGOs feel safe to speak their mind and help in each of their unique ways to move the country forward. "The U.S.," he added, "also hopes that the Bangladesh government will do everything possible to ensure that the effectiveness and integrity of the Grameen Bank are preserved as a new leadership is chosen." Since 1971, the U.S. has provided over $5 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh and is partnering with Bangladesh to meet challenges ranging from climate change to counter-terrorism. U.S.-Bangladesh ties are strong and the U.S. wants to make them stronger.
孟加拉国,他说,已经公布了在过去的二十年里每一年的经济增长率从5%到6%,即使在全球经济最不景气的几年。他已经从一个受饥荒困扰的国家转变成一个即使人口在增加,粮食的产量仍然可以自给自足的国家。它在妇女权利方面有很大的进展,并且在不断的达到发展的预期目标。他是美国维护和平力量的重要军队力量支持,非政府组织,包括孟加拉乡村进步委员会对民间团体的发展有着重要的作用。 助理国务卿布莱克说 孟加拉国是一个活跃公开的社会,有着自由和公开的媒体,并且还需要继续壮大和保持发展空间。。他说美国呼吁孟加拉国政府确保媒体和民间非政府组织能够自由畅所欲言,用各自独特的方式去推动国家的发展。他补充说:美国也希望孟加拉国的政府能够尽可能的确保格莱珉银行的有效和诚实能够像一个新选择的领导一样受到保护。 从1971年开始,美国就向孟加拉国提供超过50亿的资金去帮助它发展,与之成为合作伙伴共同面对全球气候变暖和反恐问题的挑战。 美孟两国的关系紧密,美国希望两国关系能够更加团结。


" Bangladesh," he said, " has posted an economic growth rate of five to six percent each year for the past two decades, even during the worst years of the global recession." It has transformed from a country plagued by famine to one that is largely selfsufficient in food production, despite rapid population growth. It has made progress in women' s empowerment and in reaching development goals. It is the largest troop contributor to United Nations peacekeeping forces, and its nongovernmental organizations, including BRAC, have played major roles in civil society development. " Bangladesh," said Assistant Secretary Blake, " is a vibrant, open society, with a free and open media, which must continue to be strengthened and given space to develop." He said the U. S. urges the Government of Bangladesh to ensure that media outlets and NGOs feel safe to speak their mind and help in each of their unique ways to move the country forward. " The U. S.," he added, " also hopes that the Bangladesh government will do everything possible to ensure that the effectiveness and integrity of the Grameen Bank are preserved as a new leadership is chosen." Since 1971, the U. S. has provided over 5 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh and is partnering with Bangladesh to meet challenges ranging from climate change to counterterrorism. U. S. Bangladesh ties are strong and the U. S. wants to make them stronger.
mèng jiā lā guó, tā shuō, yǐ jīng gōng bù le zài guò qù de èr shí nián lǐ měi yī nián de jīng jì zēng zhǎng lǜ cóng 5 dào 6, jí shǐ zài quán qiú jīng jì zuì bù jǐng qì de jǐ nián. tā yǐ jīng cóng yí gè shòu jī huāng kùn rǎo de guó jiā zhuǎn biàn chéng yí gè jí shǐ rén kǒu zài zēng jiā, liáng shí de chǎn liàng réng rán kě yǐ zì jǐ zì zú de guó jiā. tā zài fù nǚ quán lì fāng miàn yǒu hěn dà de jìn zhǎn, bìng qiě zài bù duàn de dá dào fā zhǎn de yù qī mù biāo. tā shì měi guó wéi hù hé píng lì liàng de zhòng yào jūn duì lì liàng zhī chí, fēi zhèng fǔ zǔ zhī, bāo kuò mèng jiā lā xiāng cūn jìn bù wěi yuán huì duì mín jiān tuán tǐ de fā zhǎn yǒu zhuó zhòng yào de zuò yòng. zhù lǐ guó wù qīng bù lái kè shuō mèng jiā lā guó shì yí gè huó yuè gōng kāi de shè huì, yǒu zhe zì yóu hé gōng kāi de méi tǐ, bìng qiě hái xū yào jì xù zhuàng dà hé bǎo chí fā zhǎn kōng jiān.. tā shuō měi guó hū yù mèng jiā lā guó zhèng fǔ què bǎo méi tǐ hé mín jiān fēi zhèng fǔ zǔ zhī néng gòu zì yóu chàng suǒ yù yán, yòng gè zì dú tè de fāng shì qù tuī dòng guó jiā de fā zhǎn. tā bǔ chōng shuō: měi guó yě xī wàng mèng jiā lā guó de zhèng fǔ néng gòu jìn kě néng dí què bǎo gé lái mín yín háng de yǒu xiào hé chéng shí néng gòu xiàng yí gè xīn xuǎn zé de lǐng dǎo yí yàng shòu dào bǎo hù. cóng 1971 nián kāi shǐ, měi guó jiù xiàng mèng jiā lā guó tí gōng chāo guò 50 yì de zī jīn qù bāng zhù tā fā zhǎn, yǔ zhī chéng wéi hé zuò huǒ bàn gòng tóng miàn duì quán qiú qì hòu biàn nuǎn huo fǎn kǒng wèn tí de tiǎo zhàn. měi mèng liǎng guó de guān xì jǐn mì, měi guó xī wàng liǎng guó guān xì néng gòu gèng jiā tuán jié.