Yunnan's forests are home to more than a dozen wild banana species and banana crops grow well in most Dai gardens. The huge banana flowers are rich in nectar for only two hours a day, but it's enough to attract a range of forest insects, including hornets. With their razor sharp mandibles, they find it easy to rob the flowers of their nectar. But hornets are predators too. They hunt other insects and carry them back to their nest. An ideal target, but this grasshopper is no easy meal. There may be a price to pay. The Dai men, Po and Xue Ming, take advantage of a hunter's instincts. 云南的森林里有十二种以上不同品种的野生香蕉,多数傣族人的菜园里的香蕉都长势良好。尽管富含花蜜的硕大香蕉树花一天只绽放两个小时,却足以吸引周围森林中的昆虫前来采吸。大黄蜂当然也不甘落后。它们用剃刀般锋利的下颚骨很容易就能够采集到花蜜。捕食者大黄蜂也是肉食动物。它们捕食其它的昆虫并带回蜂巢。一个理想的目标,但是这只蚱蜢并非免费的盘中餐。也许要为之付出一定的代价。傣族猎人Po与Xue Ming利用猎人的本能。