A hornet sting is agony. But for now it's distracted,intent on cutting away a piece of grasshopper small enough to carry back home. Success! The white feather hardly slows the hornet, and, more importantly, it can be seen. Now the hunter is the hunted. So long as Po and Xue Ming can keep up! Back at the nest,the other hornets immediately begin to cut the feather free. But it's too late. The nest's location has been betrayed. 被大黄蜂蛰伤是一件很痛苦的事情。现在大黄蜂的心思都在蚱蜢身上,它要咬下一块足够小的蚱蜢肉以便带回蜂巢。成功了!白色的羽毛几乎没有迟滞黄蜂的飞行速度,然而,更重要的是,白色羽毛能够为猎人导航。猎人的狩猎现在开始了。Po与Xue Ming刚好能够跟上。回到蜂巢后,其它的大黄蜂立即把羽毛咬碎。但是为时已晚蜂巢的位置已经暴露。