The relationship between the forest animals and the people who live here was never one of harmony. Yet the fact that the Dai and other ethnic groups considered these forests to be sacred, has ensured their survival and now many have been given extra protection as nature reserves. Ingenuity and hard work pays off at last. The fattened larvae are considered a delicacy by the Dai. Although these forests have experienced a great deal of change, they are still host to some ancient and incredible relationships. Almost 60 centimetres high, this is the immense flower of the elephant yam. Locals call it the "Witch of the Forest". 森林动物与当地人之间的关系几乎就没有和睦的时候。傣族与其他的族群认为森林是神圣不可侵犯的,并且能够为他们的生存提够保障。现在很多森林通过自然保护区的形式被特别地保护起来。身心的劳累终于获得了回报。傣族人很喜欢食用这种多脂的幼虫。尽管这些森林历尽了沧桑巨变,但它们依旧是一些远古的令人难以置信的关系的主人。这是滇南魔芋的巨大花冠,差不多六十厘米高,当地人称之为丛林女巫。