As the stars rise,the witch begins to cast her spell. The forest temperature drops,but the flower starts to heat up. A heat sensitive camera reveals the flower's temperature rising by an incredible ten degrees Celsius. At the same time, a noxious stench of rotting flesh fills the forest air. As the flower's heat increases,a cloud of odour rises up. The foul perfume carries far and wide. It doesn't go unnoticed. Carrion beetles arrive on the scene. The beetles come in search of a feast of warm decaying flesh, but they've been tricked. 夜幕降临繁星满天丛林女巫开始释放她的魔力。森林中的气温下降了,花儿却开始升温了。热成像摄影机显示出了花的温度。温度令人难以置信的升高了十摄氏度。在这个时候,腐肉有毒的臭气弥散在整个森林。随着花朵热量的增加臭气阵阵袭来,难闻的味道四处飘散。它并非没有注意到。腐尸甲虫登场了。甲虫来到这儿寻找一顿温暖的腐肉圣宴,但是甲虫上当了。