In a matter of minutes, the flower's precious golden pollen squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall, showering onto the captive beetles below. Now, at last, the prisoners are free to go. The flower's wall changes texture, becoming rough to provide the ideal escape ladder. Loaded with their pollen parcels,they can now climb to freedom, just as other forest witches are beginning to open. Seduced by the irresistible perfume,the beetles are sure to pay a visit, so ensuring pollination, and another generation of incredibly big, smelly flowers. 一会儿,花朵珍贵的金色花粉从雄蕊中挣扎而出并下坠,阵阵洒落在被俘获的甲虫身上。现在,囚徒终于被释放。花壁的质地变得粗糙起来,提供了理想的逃离天梯。甲虫满载花粉奔向自由,正好其它的丛林女巫即将绽放。无法抗拒的味道引诱甲虫再次造访。花儿保证了授粉得以施行,也因此保证了这种硕大的发出难闻气味的花得以传宗接代。