As dawn arrives, forest birds claim their territories in the canopy. But there's one call which stands out among the rest, virtuoso of the forest symphony. It's a gibbon. Living on a remote mountain range in south central Yunnan is one of the few remaining wild gibbon populations in China. The black-crested gibbons of Wuliangshan. They are confined to these forest mountains, so remote and steep that few hunters ever come here. 晨曦乍现,森林之鸟在树荫地下宣告它们的领地。这儿有一种声音在其中显得格外突兀--森林交响乐的艺术大师。那是一只长臂猿。在云南中南部偏远的山脉之中居住着中国的珍稀动物野生长臂猿群。他们是无量山里的黑冠长臂猿。他们活动范围局限在这些山林之中,如此偏远而又陡峭的环境以至于少有猎人光顾。