So Yunnan's terrain puts a limit on how far the plantations can spread, halting at least their northwards advance. The jungles of Yunnan are increasingly under pressure. New roads criss-cross the tiny remnant forests, the infrastructure needed for trade,industry and, increasingly, tourism. It's a meeting of two very different worlds. That elephants still exist in China is remarkable considering the immense pressures in the world's most highly populated country. 云南的地形为种植范围划定了天然界限,阻碍了向北种植的计划。云南的丛林所面临的压力正逐渐加大。新建的公路纵横交错在残存的树林间,以满足商业工业以及旅游业对基础设施的需求。这是两个截然不同的世界的交汇之处。考虑到世界上最多的人口所带来的压力,大象还能在中国存活简直就是个奇迹。