The thinner species of bamboo are easy to attack and pull below. She has a fantastic sense of smell and can sniff out the fresh growth through the soil. Bamboo spreads along underground stems. By following these, new shoots are found. Once a shoot is detected, she snips it free and drags it down into her burrow. This female has a family. At just a few weeks old, the youngsters can already tackle the hardest bamboo stems and are eager to try. Bamboo's tough reputation is such, that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as "The Iron Eating Animal". 细小的竹子很容易被拖进坑道中。她拥有极其出色的嗅觉,能够透过土壤嗅到新鲜的生长物。竹子的根一直往地下延伸,非常有利于竹鼬顺根找到新鲜的竹枝。一旦竹枝被发现,竹鼬咬断之后把竹枝拖回到她的地洞里。这只雌性竹鼬拥有着一个家庭。小竹鼬出世才只有几个星期就已经能够应付最硬的竹枝了。它们是如此的渴望咬上几口。竹子坚硬的名声是如此的显赫,另一个食竹高手被认为是中国的“攻坚专家”。