In undisturbed habitat, pandas simply move to another area where a different bamboo species grows. But as human activity has fragmented their forest home, pandas find it increasingly hard to find large enough areas in which to survive. Wild pandas are now found only in the forests of Central China, far to the east. But in the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in Yunnan's tropical south, live one of China's best-kept wildlife secrets. The wild Asian elephant. Elephants once roamed across China as far north as Beijing. But it's only in the hidden valleys of Yunnan that they have survived. 在没有受到干扰的栖息地中,熊猫往往只是迁移到另外一片有不同品种竹子生长的区域。但是人类的活动已经破坏了熊猫生存区域,它们所面临的生存环境日益窘迫。野生大熊猫现在仅存活于中国中部的森林里,远离东部。在隐秘的云南南部热带的小型低地丛林里,居住着中国最神秘的野生动物之一。亚洲野象。亚洲野象在中国的足迹曾北至北京。但是它们仅仅存活于云南的隐秘的山谷之中。