Elephants are the architects of the forest. Bamboos and grasses are their favourite food, but saplings, tree leaves and twisted lianas are all taken, with little care. As they move through the forest, the elephants open up clearings,bringing light to the forest floor. This has a major impact on their home. The richest forests are now known to be those which from time to time experience change. 大象是森林的建筑师。竹子和草是大象最喜爱的食物,但是吃一些盘旋的藤蔓植物树苗以及树叶也无所谓。大象开辟出了小块的林中空地为森林中的地面带来了阳光。这对它们的家园有着较大的影响。如今人们知晓,最繁密的森林,是那些不时经历变化的森林。