The Jinou people are incredibly knowledgeable about their forests and claim to have uses for most of the plants that they find there. They have names for them all, those good for eating and some which even have strong medicinal qualities. By working here, the Jinou play a similar role to the elephants, opening up the forest,bringing space, light and diversity. Green, fast growing species are encouraged. Insects are in high abundance here, together with the animals that feed on them. Knowledge of the forest enables the Jinou to find not just plants, but other tasty forest food too. Forest crabs are common here, feeding on the abundant leaf litter. This will be a tasty addition to the evening meal. 基诺族对于森林的知识博学得让人难以置信,他们声称能够利用在这儿找到的大多数植物。所有的植物都被基诺族人命名,有些吃起来不错,有的植物甚至还有很高的药用价值。通过在这儿劳动,基诺族人扮演了一个与大象相似的角色:开发森林,拓展空间以便带来阳光与生物多样化。绿色植物--生长迅速并有很强的竞争优势。这儿的昆虫资源也极其富足,以昆虫为食的动物也不少。基诺族人掌握的关于森林的知识使他们能够找到植物之外的其它美味可口的森林食品。丛林地蟹在这儿很常见它们以充足的废叶为食。晚餐又多了一道美味可口的菜肴。