The giant river valleys, created millions of years ago, act like immense funnels. The gorges are so deep and narrow, that the moist warm air is driven right up into the north of Yunnan. The result is rain, in torrents! Four months of daily rainstorms sustain luxuriant vegetation. The arrival of the monsoon awakens one of the forest's most extraordinary moisture-loving inhabitants. The crocodile newt is one of the most unusual of the many amphibian species found here. As the rains arrive, they emerge to mate. 形成于千百万年前的巨大河谷,如同巨大的漏斗一般。这些峡谷深邃狭长,引导湿热气流径直流向滇北。然后就是降雨 暴泄的狂流!近四个月的持续雷雨滋润着茂盛的植物。季风的来临唤醒了森林中最喜好潮湿的居民。类鳄蝾螈是此处发现的 最为不凡的两栖动物之一。当雨季来临 它们开始求偶繁衍。