The newts are said to leave an odour trail that potential mates can follow. The crocodile newt gets its name from the bumps along its back. These are its defence. If grabbed by a potential predator, the tips of its ribs squeeze a deadly poison from the bumps. The deluge wakes another forest inhabitant. This one is particularly astounding in its vigour! It can grow up to a metre a day, fast overtaking the other plants around it. The taller it grows, the faster its growth rate, so that in a matter of days it towers above the undergrowth, and continues reaching for the sky. Not bad for what is essentially a grass. It's bamboo. 据说鳄蝾会为其潜在的伴侣留下气味线索。类鳄蝾螈得名于它背上嶙峋的凸起。这是它们的天然防御。一旦被潜在的肉食者捕获,肋骨的顶部的隆起物中便会 挤压出致命的毒素。暴雨唤醒了另外一种森林生物。它那勃发向上的朝气令人叹为观止!它一天能够生长一米,使其迅速傲视四周。长得愈发高挺 长势愈发猛烈,数日间便拔地而起 凌驾于灌木丛之上,并且持续向着天际进发。对于出身草根的它而言 干得还不赖。它就是竹子。