Back in the roost, the young are left on their own. Special pads on their wings help them to grip on the bamboo walls-most of the time. The young bats use the extra space to prepare for a life on the wing by preening and stretching. Packed in like sardines, they would make an easy target for a snake. But the snake has no chance of getting in. The entrance is thinner than the width of a pencil. When the mothers return, they can push through the narrow entrance only because of their unusually flattened skulls. But it's still a squeeze. Bamboos are exploited in a very different way by another forest dweller. Fresh bamboo shoots are an important forest crop. 小家伙们被留下来看家。翅膀上独特的肉趾帮助他们攀爬竹壁,绝大多数时候。小竹蝠们在剩下的空间里用伸展腰肢整理翅膀为日后的飞行早做准备。就像罐头里的沙丁鱼挤得满满的 将成为容易被蛇攻击的目标。但是蛇却没有收获的机会。入口的宽度比铅笔还要细。当蝙蝠妈妈回来时,穿过狭窄的入口 必须要依靠它们与众不同的扁平颅骨。同样还是需要用力才能挤进去。另一个深林的原住民 在竹子的采集与使用方面独辟蹊径。新鲜的竹笋是重要的深林作物。