The markets bring the mountain tribes together. To continue his expeditions, Rock had to get his entire entourage across the giant Yunnan rivers. He commissioned especially thick ropes made from forest rattan and filmed the entire event. With yak butter to smooth the ride, 40 men and 15 mules made the journey. Not all made it across. On the far side of the great Nujiang gorge, the Plant Hunters made a remarkable discovery. Far from the tropics, they seemed to be entering a steamy, vibrant tropical jungle, the forest of Gaoligongshan. The flora here is unlike anywhere else in the world. Next to subtropical species, alpine plants grow in giant form. Crowning the canopy, rhododendrons, up to 30 metres high. In April and May, their flowers turn the forests ruby red, attracting bird species found only here . 不同族群的山民们在集市上相聚。为了继续他的征途,Rock与他的探险队必须设法越过云南的激流。他定制了用森林藤蔓特制的结实绳索来完成运载并记录下了整个全程。他们用牦牛油润滑了吊索 40个人和15头骡子开始渡河。但并非每次都成功抵达了彼岸。在怒江河谷遥远的彼岸,植物猎人们有了惊人的发现。尽管远离热带,他们却似乎进入了一片热气腾腾的热带丛林,这就是高黎贡山的森林这里的植物群落与众不同。类似亚热带高山植物物种的巨大外形。高达30多米的杜鹃花向着苍穹昂首怒放。四五月间 它们将苍翠的山林染成一片嫣红,吸引了唯此独有的鸟类。