Constant moisture in the air means that the branches are laden with flowering epiphytes, fiercely guarded by tiny sunbirds, unique to these valleys. Nectar feeders, these are the humming birds of the Old World tropics. The forests of Gaoligongshan are home to some of China's rarest wildlife. This is a female Temminck's Tragopan. She has a colourful male admirer. He's hoping to woo her with his peculiar peekaboo display but she's not about to be rushed. His colourful skin wattle reflects more light than feathers do. To her, this is like a neon sign. 空气中丰富的水份供养的寄生植物 增加了枝条的负载,这些山谷中特有的小太阳鸟 精心护卫着杜鹃花的枝条。蜂雀是花蜜的掠食者 远古以来就一直生活在热带地区。高黎贡山的森林是中国部分珍稀动物的家园。这是一只雌性红腹角雉。她有着一位绚丽夺目的雄性追求者。它希望用奇特的躲猫猫游戏来向雌性求爱,但她却不想轻易将芳心托付。它多彩的盘状肉髯比羽毛能更好的反射光线 (skin wattle肉髯 此系指颈部皮肤上的附属物)。