Theories of History Good morning, class. Today's lecture is mainly concerned with some theories of history. How much of man's history do we know? We really know very little. Written records exist for only a fraction of what we suppose to have been man's time as a unique species. Furthermore, the accuracy of these records is often suspected, and the scope and selection of significant detail in them often needs improvement. It is worse when we try to reconstruct man's history before the development of writing, and this is unfortunate because the history of the greatest discoveries, such as fire, the wheel and the sail, as well as the history of the early development of human society are lost to us. The most that we can do is to use traces, deduction, speculation and the knowledge we have of the habits of those animals which have elementary social order to help us make a partial reconstruction. This is hardly a satisfactory substitute for precise information. With our knowledge of human history, which is only fragmentary at best, it is therefore nearly impossible to reconstruct the beginning and to deduce the end of the story of man. 与历史有关的三大理论 同学们,早上好。今天的讲座主要涉及一些历史理论。大家对人类历史理解有多少?的确是知之甚少。书籍记录只让我们了解到人类作为一个独特的物种存在的时代。甚至这些记录的准确性往往值得怀疑, 其中重要情节的范围和选取都需要改进。然而,当我们在还没完成文献时试图重现人类的历史,事情变得更糟糕。很不幸,因为历史上最伟大的发现,如火,轮子和帆,以及人类社会早期发展的历史早已不为我们所知。我们能做的最多是追溯过去,演绎推理,利用我们所了解的关于懂得基本社会秩序的动物生活习性的知识,以此来帮助我们重现部分历史。用这些来替代精确的信息远非令人满意。由于我们对人类历史的知识最多也是零零散散的,因此我们几乎不可能重现人类故事的开端和演绎人类故事的结局。