A second theory of history is held by those men who see man's history as something quite different from a simple progression from a lower to a higher state. They see it as a cycle of stages of development, which are predictable in their broad outlines and main features. As surely as a civilization rises and comes into being, so also must it decline and fall. The chief pattern one sees in history is the rise and fall of civilization. Man, according to this theory, is warlike in one stage of his history and humane in another. This is not due to individual human beings or to general progress, but rather to determining socioeconomic patterns that are not, as yet, understood. To holders of this theory, modern man is not looked upon as the most superior social being yet produced. He is simply the typical product of the current stage in the cycle of our civilization. In fact, he may actually be inferior to members of past civilizations. 支持第二个历史理论的人认为人类的历史绝不仅仅是简单地一种从低级到高级的地位上升的进步。他们认为人类历史是一个发展阶段的循环,每个阶段的大致范围和主要特征都是可预见的。毋庸置疑,一种文明有兴盛的时候,它也一定会有衰亡的时候。这里人们认为历史的主要模式好比文明的兴衰。根据这一理论,人类在历史的一个阶段十分好战而在另一个阶段又显得人性化。导致这种现象的原因不是由于人类个体或整体的进步,而是因为具有决定性的社会经济模式尚未被理解。对于持这一理论的人,他们并未把现代的人看作是已经出现的最高级的社会存在,而认为现代人不过是当前文明的发展循环阶段中的典型的结果。事实上,他可能还不如过去文明国家的成员。