It all depends upon what stage of civilization we happen to be living in. Indeed, it has been said that the average modern literate city dweller is comparatively more ignorant of his era's fund of knowledge than other literate city dwellers of the past. While the staggering fund of knowledge in our technologically advanced world is undoubtedly greater than that of any past civilization, it is probably true that the average modern man, relying on such repetitive forms of entertainment as television and working in a narrowly specialized job, knows a great deal less sheer information about his world than did earlier people. 一切取决于我们刚好所生活的某个文明阶段。事实上,据说现代受教育的城市居民相对于过去的受教育的城市居民更加不重视他们所处的时代的知识宝库。同过去的任何一个文明国度相比较,毫无疑问在我们这个技术先进的世界有着更巨大的知识宝库,尽管如此,也存在着一个事实,即现代人和过去年代的人相比,对自己的世界的了解真是少之又少。因为他们过于依赖各种重复性的娱乐形式,比如电视,而且他们的工作范围狭隘集中。