Furthermore, in order to understand meaning without knowing all the lexical items, and to be able to deduce from context, interpreters must in any case have a thorough knowledge of their working languages. In order to understand the ideas of a speech, an interpreter needs to get familiar with different kinds of texts. They can present logical arguments showing both points of view on a question before arriving at a synthetic conclusion, they can be a sequence of logical deductions leading to an obvious conclusion according to the speaker's point of view, and they may simply be descriptive, focusing on an event, a scene or a situation. What follows is the identification of the main ideas. In order to understand a message, an interpreter has to identify the main ideas and give them their proper relevance in the interpretation. And, owing to the intrinsic difficulty of a speech or to the speaker's speed, he or she might be forced to omit one or more elements of the original. 再者,为了在不知道所有词汇的情况下理解整篇演讲的意思,并能够通过上下文进行推测,任何时候,口译员必须对他们的工作语言有一个透彻的了解。为了理解演讲的思想内容,译员需要熟悉不同类型的文本。他们可以在一个问题上将自己的观点与演讲者的观点合理总结之后得出结论,也可以根据说话者的观点用一系列的逻辑推论得出一个明显的结论,他们可能仅仅是只专注于对一个事件、一个场景或一种情况的描述。接下来是对主要思想的识别。为了理解一个信息,口译员必须辨别出主要的想法,并且在翻译过程中适当地提出来。但是,由于演讲本身固有的困难还有说话者的速度,他或她可能将不得不省略一小部分原始内容。