The second stage of interpreting is the memorization of a speech. The objective is to create a telegraphic version of the discourse, and to link its different parts through its semantic-logical connections. We have different means to remember a speech. One possibility is that of internally visualizing the content of a speech and creating images in one's mind. Specifically speaking, an interpreter needs to concentrate on ideas, not on single words, connect the main ideas to a series of numbers, and then concentrate on the links among the main ideas so as to reproduce the structure of the speech as a kind of skeleton. The third stage of interpreting is re-expression. 口译的第二阶段是识记演讲内容。目的在于建立一个电报式的会话形式,然后通过其语义逻辑连接把各个部分联系起来。我们可以通过多种方式来记忆演讲内容。其中一种方式可以将演讲的内容视觉化并且在脑海里创造各种画面。具体地讲,口译员必须集中于演讲的主要内容,而不是在一些单词上,将这些主要内容同一串数字联系在一起,然后把精力集中于主要思想之间的关系,以复制演讲的框架,就像重拼一副骨架一样。口译的第三阶段重述内容。