When communicating with someone familiar we are usually confident in our anticipation, and may not even notice that we are making such predictions. In contrast, when we communicate with strangers we are more aware of the range of their possible responses, and of the uncertainty of our predictions. But where do our predictions come from? Communicative predictions are based on data from three levels. First is the cultural level. This level involves information about the other's culture, its dominant values and norms. This is often the only level of information available when communicating with a stranger. Even so, a better understanding of the stranger's culture yields better predictions. The second level of information is sociocultural. This includes data about the other's group membership, or the groups to which they seek to belong. This type of information is the predominant data used in intercultural communication. Finally there is psychocultural data. This is information about the individual's characteristics, and is the sort of data most relevant to communication with friends. Then how do we process the prediction data when we communicate with strangers? The answer is that we understand such data by the process of social cognition. 当我们同某个熟悉的人交谈时,我们对自己的预测很有信心,甚至没有意识到自己在揣测他人。与此相反的是,当我们和陌生人交谈时,我们对对方可能有的反应和想法更加不确定。然而,我们所谓的预测是源于何处呢?交流性的预测是基于三个层面的数据。首先是文化层面。它包括他人的文化、主导价值观和准则。这些往往是在和陌生人交谈时唯一有效的信息。尽管如此,更好地了解不熟悉的文化能进行更好地预测。其次是社会文化层面。它涉及的内容有其他群体间的成员关系或者人们寻求所属的群体。这类信息在跨文化交流中占有先入为主的地位。最后是心理文化层面。它是关于个人的性格特征的,而且是在与朋友交往时息息相关的一点。那么,当我们在与陌生人交谈时我们该如何进行对预测数据的加工呢?答案就是我们要通过社会认知的过程来理解这些数据。