We may fear the possibility of being incompetent, or being exploited. We may worry about being perceived negatively by the stranger. And we may worry that interacting with a stranger will bring disapproval from members of our own group. Generally these anxieties can be reduced by paying more conscious attention to the communication process, and by gathering more information on the stranger. Generally, individuals tend to explain their own behavior by reference to the situation. Observers tend to attribute an individual's behavior to elements of that individual's character. When interacting with strangers we are especially likely to attribute their behavior to their character, and then to view their character as typical of their culture or race, etc. 我们可能害怕自己能力有限,或被利用。我们可能会担心被陌生人否定。我们可能会担心与一个陌生人交流将造成我们的群体成员的反对。如果我们更有意识地注意沟通的过程,并收集更多关于这个陌生人的信息,通常使这些焦虑可以得以缓解。一般来说,个人倾向于根据情况来解释自己的行为。观察人士倾向于把个人的行为部分归于个人的性格。当与陌生人交流时,我们尤其有可能将他们的行为解释为他们的性格,然后把他们的性格特征视作他们文化或种族的典型特征等。