That is, we are especially likely to interpret a stranger's behavior in light of our stereotypes about what “those kind of people" are like. As a result, consciously focusing on the communication process itself is an effective solution so as to gather more information about the stranger and hence to lower the level of anxiety. Finally, let's review the basic concepts covered in today's lecture. First, we talked about the concept of the stranger and definition of strangeness. Communicating with strangers involves uncertain predictions of their responses. Second, we discussed where communicative predictions come from and how they are processed during communication. And the last concerns our suggestions on some strategies to reduce people's uncertainty and anxiety during their communication with strangers. 也就是说,我们尤其有可能按照我们的固定思维认为“这类人”是什么样的来解释一个陌生人的行为。因此,有意识地关注交流过程本身是一种有效的解决方案,如此,可以收集更多关于这个陌生人的信息从而降低焦虑的程度。最后,让我们来回顾一下今天的讲座覆盖的基本概念。首先,我们讨论陌生人的概念和陌生的定义。与陌生人交流涉及不确定的预测他们的回答。其次,我们讨论了在交际预测来自和它们是如何处理在沟通。和过去的担忧我们的建议在一些策略来减少人们的不确定性和焦虑在他们与陌生人交流。