Good morning. Today, we shall talk about some strategies that might help college graduates choose a job. In the current competitive job market, college graduates are facing more critical challenges. In the hope of helping you, the would-be-graduates, find a suitable job, we shall discuss the topic thoroughly. Before you search for a job, you need to ask yourselves the following four questions: first, how to start out; second, what job really suits me; third, what do different jobs entail and fourth, how do I use my degree. But after we have finished the aforementioned four questions, we also need to focus on the five job-related factors to determine which job fits you best. Now, we shall go through the four questions one by one. First, how to start out? You should start thinking about what type of work appeals to you. The more clearly you know where your interests lie, what you enjoy, what your talents are and which skills and strengths you want to use in your working life, the easier it is to recognize opportunities that suit you. 早上好。今天,我们将讨论帮助大学毕业生选择工作的一些策略。在当前竞争激烈的就业市场,大学毕业生面临更严峻的挑战。为了能帮助你们这些即将毕业的大学生找到一份合适的工作,我们接下来好好讨论下这个话题。找工作之前,你需要问自己以下四个问题:第一,如何开始;第二,什么工作适合我;第三,不同的工作有什么不同的职责,第四,我应如何使用我的学位。但是要确定哪些工作最适合你自己,你需要在回答上述四个问题后,还要注意与工作相关的五个因素。现在,我们将针对以上四个问题一一解答。首先,要如何开始?你应该先考虑什么类型的工作会吸引你。越是清楚地了解你的兴趣、喜好、才华,还有你想在你的工作生活中运用哪项技能和优势,你就越容易发现适合你的机会。