Fourth, how do I use my degree? You may want to directly apply your subject-related knowledge and skills to the world of work. Ask your university career service for the results of previous surveys, which may provide some insights into what people with your degree have gone on to do. Visit websites such as “what do graduates do?" to view national survey results of what students on your course have pursued. Also, find out about options with your degree by looking at options with your subject. Since we've finished the discussion on the four questions, you may ask about the five job-related factors that determine the fitness of a job. Here's a brief introduction to the five factors. First, benefits. This is something often overlooked by young adults just starting their careers, but benefits can be worth up to 30% of your total compensation, according to Quintessential Careers, a job search and advice website. Start by finding out how much medical and dental coverage you'll get, which flexible spending plans the employer offers and whether the company offers a pension savings plan. 第四,如何使用我的学位?你可能想把与所学专业相关的知识和技能直接应用到工作场所。向你的大学职业服务中心问问以前的调查结果,这可以使你更了解与你同样学位的人做什么工作。访问网站,如“毕业生做什么?”来查看国家调查的和你学相同课程的学生所从事的工作的结果。同时,通过查看你所学科目看看以你的学位可找什么工作。既然我们已经完成了前面讨论的四个问题,你可能会想问确定是否适合工作五个相关因素是什么。这里做个简要介绍。首先,福利。这是刚刚开始事业的年轻人经常忽略的,但是根据“典型职业”这么一个工作搜索和咨询网站,福利占的比率高达总薪酬的30%。首先查查你会得到多少医疗保险和牙科保险, 雇主提供哪类灵活的支出计划,以及该公司是否提供养老金储蓄计划。