You also should consider other financial perks that come with the job, such as tuition reimbursement, signing bonuses, relocation expense reimbursement and home-buying assistance. Don't underestimate the value of non-financial perks either, such as flexible work hours or telecommuting opportunities. Second, commute. This may not seem like a big deal at first, but fluctuating gas prices can impact your budget if you've got a long commute, not to mention sitting in a traffic can get old really fast. Commuters take 25 minutes, on average, to get to work each day, according to the Census Bureau. If they take just as long to get home, they're spending more than four hours a week getting to and from their jobs, or more than 200 hours a year. But time isn't the only factor. Consider how stressful the commute, too. Will you be forced to travel congested side streets or is there a more free-flowing route to the office? Is public transportation an option? Make sure you add up the cost of any bus fare, parking fees or tolls. Third, opportunities for advancement. 你还应该考虑附带的工作额外津贴,比如学费报销,签约奖金,安置费用报销和购房补助。也不要低估了额外津贴的价值,比如灵活的工作时间或远程办公的机会。第二, 乘车往返于两地之间的路程。乍看这似乎没什么大不了的,但如果路程很远的话,汽油价格波动会影响到你的预算——更不用说长期交通可以使你老得快。根据美国人口普查局,上班族平均每一天要花25分钟去工作。如果他们要花一样长的时间回家, 一个星期来回于工作家庭就要花去四个多小时,每年就是超过200小时。但是时间并不是唯一的因素。想想这一路上的压力吧。你是希望不得不经过拥挤的小巷去办公室还是想从一个更通畅的路线去办公室?又或者选择公共交通工具?这些都会确使你增加公共汽车票钱、停车费用。第三,晋升机会。